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Just because one turns to the Final page, the final word of a book doesn't mean the story is complete. 'The End' is only a hopeful thought. Enjoying the satisfaction while we can, because change is Inevitable.

               One of the Most powerful forces in the World is Hope. I have ever come across people who say hope that Nothings goes wrong, and even if the things went wrong by, a strong Hope is a force that teaches him/her to start again. Why do conflicts come up in life? Its just because God wants to test us whether what his son/daughter is asking him for, he/she is really determined to get so. He Tests Us. Sometimes the tests go on really long, He(My God) really is seeking some wonderful sought of guidance, in the test Journey.

               The path is unknown, yes this Unknown sometimes makes us feel really down. But Haven't this be unknown will you really be on your toes always. Think about this !! God does want his children to want to be really happy, but as he is Our father he knows what to give when Afterall He knows the Unknown !!

               Fate and faith! One is the destiny of one and other is the faith of one to change the destiny. Faith is all I have, people say our body has its main constituent as water, 75% of it but I say My Body is made up of faith. A faith in true love, honesty, and Goodness & I think these three things change everything.

                 Faith has changed my life, Fate makes you feel negative about yourself if you don't get what you want But Faith keeps You positive all the time.

So, Readers, My posts and writings are all about finding faith in life through 15-minute stories, that are Worth Reading!! I am Mayank Maheshwari, A B.Tech Pursuing student of CSE @ MUJ. Meet You Guys Soon With My Posts again.

                                                                                         ~ Mayank Maheshwari

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